Dear members of Pian dei Ciliegi,
with the publication of our 2025 retreat program we’d like to communicate some useful information about our booking procedure. Please refer to the program for more detailed information regarding the single retreats and general information on them.
Retreat fee: the contribution for our 2025 retreats will be 35 euros per day.
Members are invited to pay the retreat fee within 30 days of booking, unless previously agreed upon with the management.
It is possible to apply for sponsorships from our retreat fund, or to contribute according to your possibilities, to be agreed upon with the management beforehand.
Membership fee: our 2025 membership fee is 25 euros and can be paid together with the retreat fee in the first transfer you will make, specifying in the description that the payment is made for both the retreat and membership fee.
All payments must be made out to the Credit Agricole account
IBAN code: IT47F0623065420000030714189
For international transfers: SWIFT CODE: CRPPIT2P027 (please note: the ninth digit is a zero)
Opening of bookings:
It will be possible to sign up through the website to all our retreats from 19 January 2025, at 8 am.
Accommodation: For the retreats, the Centre offers a variable number of places, from 25 to 30, divided into single and double rooms. The single rooms are reserved for people who actually need them, and will be made available until the rooms are all given. There is no extra cost for a single room. If you need a single room, please write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. an email titled "SINGLE ROOM-TEACHER'S NAME-RETREAT'S MONTH",specifying the reason for the request. The management will verify availability and provide formal confirmation after the booking.
How to sign up for in-person retreats: prior to your booking, you must have been admitted as a member of the Pian dei Ciliegi Association by following the online procedure on the Pian dei Ciliegi website.
If you are not a member of the Association, follow the procedure below:
(please keep in mind that Google Chrome sometimes blocks pages and prevents the procedure from continuing. It is therefore advisable to use another browser, like Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer):
1) Register on the Pian dei Ciliegi website (if you are not already registered);
2) Log in with your username and password by writing it in the fields at the top of the page;
3) On each page you will find the "Apply for Membership" button on the right (in the User’s Menu box);
4) Pressing it activates the membership procedure which must be followed until the end. All this takes just a few minutes. It is not necessary to receive confirmation of membership in order to sign up for a retreat.
If you are not yet a member, you can carry out these preliminary operations as of now, even if bookings are not yet open. In this way, your booking procedure for retreats will be faster.
Once you have selected the retreat you want to attend, please follow these steps:
5. Fill-in the registration form in all the required fields to reserve a place and complete your preliminary subscription; you will receive a confirmation email with all the details, and directions on how to proceed with the compilation of the questionnaire and payment of the retreat fee
6. Complete the questionnaire with care, furnishing all the requisite information within 15 days of your subscription, following the directions in the email.
7. Pay your retreat fee within 30 days of your subscription following the directions in the email.
- to participate in an entire retreat which is divided into two parts you must register individually for both periods. But you only need to fill out the questionnaire once.
- bookings for online retreats are possible as of now and it is not necessary to be a member of Pian dei Ciliegi.
- If you have problems with your membership application or retreat booking you can write to info@pThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Waiting lists: waiting lists will be organized to include people who have not found a place in the chosen retreats to replace members who have cancelled. In order to facilitate office procedures, if you want to be on the waiting list, you must send an e-mail with the subject "waiting list_teacher_month" to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and the office staff will take note of your request.
In case of available place, the office staff will contact the first name on the waiting list by e-mail, giving a time limit to respond to accept, after that the office staff will proceed to scroll the list.
If you are not a member, you must first apply for membership to the Association through the procedure indicated above, which can be carried out as of now.
Cancellation of a reserved retreat and refunds: if a member cancels his/her participation to a retreat within 30 days from one’s booking the association will refund 95% of the amount that has been paid. If one cancels at least 30 days prior to the beginning of a retreat he/she will be granted a refund of 80% of the amount paid. If one cancels in the period that goes from 30 days to 48 hours prior to the retreat he/she will be granted a refund of 50% of the amount paid. If you cancel within the 48 hours before the beginning of a retreat, there will be no refund. If the retreat fee is not more than 100 euros there will be no refund. However one can still apply for a refund in the case of serious reasons for cancelling, but this is left to the discretion of the manager and/or secretary.
Cancellation of a retreat: The Center reserves the right to cancel a retreat in the event that the number of participants is not sufficient to cover expenses. In this case, the entire sum already paid by the people who had signed up is returned.
Promptness when Booking: given that we cannot confirm retreats below a certain number of participants, and since aspiring participants must organize themselves well in advance to join the retreat, it is necessary to know at least 10 days before the start of a retreat if it can be confirmed or if we will be forced to cancel it. Therefore, we invite those who intend to participate not to wait for the last few days to send their booking form.
Hoping that the above is clear enough and not too complicated, the Pian dei Ciliegi Board wishes you all a fruitful year of practice for a speedy development on the path of Dhamma.