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Bhante Mettānanda

mettanandaBhikkhu Mettānanda is an Italian monk, ordained as a Buddhist Theravāda monk in 2011 in Myanmar under Chanmyay Sayadaw by Sayadaw U Indaka (Chanmyay Myaing Sayadaw). He began practising Vipassana intensively in 2009 at Panditarama Lumbini. His main meditation teachers are: Sayadaw U Vivekananda (Panditarama, Lumbini), Sayadaw U Indaka (Chanmyay Myaing, Yangon) and Bhante Pemasiri (Kanduboda, Sri Lanka). From 2016 to 2019 he helped Sayadaw U Rajinda (SMC Singapore) by teaching in the youth cultural program, samanera program and youth meditation retreats. In 2018 he started conducting vipassana meditation retreats at Santisukharama Meditation Center in Kota Tinggi, Malaysia. He is co-author of a book published in Italy on the life and teachings of the Venerable U Lokanātha the first Italian Buddhist Monk.

Bhante Gavesi

BhanteGavesiBhante Gavesi is a Malaysian Bhikkhu who is currently based in Penang. He was ordained by the late Sayadaw U Pandita of Panditarama in Myanmar in the year 2001. He has led several retreats in Penang, Kuala Kubu Bharu, Kota Tinggi, Melaka, Kuching, Sabah and other places in Malaysia. He also spreads the Dhamma in the USA, Europe, Indonesia and Nepal. Presently, he is the Spiritual Advisor of Peace House in Penang.

Sayadaw U Uttarañāṇa

ottaraSayadaw U Uttarañāṇa (U Ottaranyana) was born in Myanmar in 1949. He passed the higher examination in scriptural studies and was awarded several prestigious titles. From 1984 to 1986, he resided at the main Mahasi Meditation Center in Yangon as a practitioner and then as a meditation instructor. In 1992 he was awarded the academic title of Mahāganthavācakapaṇḍita for his religious and academic activities and in 2002, that of Aggamahāganthavācakapaṇḍita, and in 2011 that of Aggamaha Pandita from the Myanmar government. . He is currently the abbot of the Birmingham Buddhist Vihāra, where he teaches Majjhimanikāya, Pali grammar, Abhidhamma and vipassanā meditation.

Gautam Verma

gautam vermaGautam Verma is a Vipassanā meditator of Indian origins, and has been practicing for many years under the guidance of distinguished Dhamma teachers, besides doing long periods of solitary retreat. He’s been collaborating with Pian dei Ciliegi as a translator during interviews with English speaking Dhamma teachers. He’s been an assistant of Bhante Bodhidhamma since 2017, from whom he’s been authorized to offer Dhamma teachings. He has also been authorized to teach by the Ven. Vivekananda, Hannes Huber and Beate Gloeckner

Henrich Dahm

Foto HenrichHenrich Dahm’s dhamma journey started in 1989 in Nepal, when he was introduced by Sayadaw Jhanapurnika, a senior disciple of Mahasi Sayadaw, to Vipassana meditation. Since then he has practiced in various countries and explored different meditation techniques. His extensive travelling in Asia has given him the opportunity to meditate under the  guidance of distinguished teachers like Sayadaw U Pandita, Sayadaw U Janaka, Achaan Buddhadasa, Thich Nhat Thanh, etc. His practice took a new turn when he started to practice full time under the guidance of Bhante Sujiva. Most recently, he spent extensive time in Burma giving him the chance to deepen his understanding of the Burmese Satipatthana method in practice and theory. Most recently, he spent time in Burma giving him the chance to deepen his understanding of the Burmese Satipatthana method in practice and theory.

Jean-Marie de Wurstemberger

JANJean-Marie ("Jan") de Wurstemberger's beginnings as a Buddhist student lie in the tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, in the mid-nineteen-nineties. His teachers at the time included Lama Zopa Rinpoche and the Dalai Lama. In a conversation Lama Zopa one day advised him to "above all, just sit". Soon after, the unexpected encounter with the Theravada monk and experienced meditation teacher Bhante Sujiva was to give this advice an very specific and incisive form: Vipassana.

Since then, Jan has been practising insight-meditation under Bhante Sujiva’s guidance for over 20 years. In German speaking countries, Jan is also active as Bhante's translator in retreats and was co-translator of Bhante’s standard work on insight meditation: "Tree of Wisdom River of no Return".

In his professional life, Jan works in Switzerland as a teacher, counsellor and systemic coach of teenagers, their families and of young independent adults.

Venerable Daw Vimalañani Salayay

vimalanani salayay



Ven. Sayalay Daw Vimalanani is a Nepalese nun who has studied and trained with Sayadaw U Pandita in Burma since 1991. In 1999, she completed the rigorous Dhammacariya degree which qualifies her to teach the Buddhist scriptures. After many years of training and translating yogi interviews, she began to guide foreign yogis at the Panditarama Forest Meditation Center in 2006.  In addition to teaching yogis during the two-month retreat at Panditarama in December and January, she teaches meditation and Pali at the International Buddhist Meditation Center in Nepal. Sayalay Ma Vimalanani is fluent in Newar, Nepali, English and Burmese.

Venerable Viraῆani

virananiVen. Vīrañāṇi  began to practice meditation in 1979. In 2003, after several years spent working at the Insight Meditation Society in Massachusetts, USA, and training in in the Thai Forest tradition, she began a four-year period devoted to intensive practice in the Burmese lineage of Mahasi Sayadaw. She took permanent ordination in Burma with Sayadaw U Pandita on New Year 2006, and now resides at the Chanmyay Myaing Meditation Centre North of Yangon. She teaches loving kindness and vipassanā meditation retreats in Burma, Europe, and Australia.  In 2008 she co-founded Metta In Action, a charity devoted to offering Burmese people in need the means and skills to help themselves.  She is passionate about the Dhamma, about nature, and about using both to help others rediscover the intrinsic goodness in all beings.

Brother Dassana

bro dassana

Brother Dassana has been practising Vipassana Meditation for over 20 years. He has done many years of retreats in Burma, Thailand and Malaysia under various teachers. Most of his retreats are in the Mahasi style, though he has also explored other traditions. He was a monk for 17 years, and this gave him the opportunity and time to study the Dhamma scriptures and to do long intensive Vipassana retreats.

Piero Urban

pierourbanPhd. from the University of Bologna, has a training in Yoga with the Kaivalyadhama Institute S.M.Y.M. Samiti - Lonavla - India with: Dr. Porrovecchio, Dr. Shrikrishna, Dr. M.L.Gharote, Dr. Vijayendra Pratap.

Member of the International Association of Yoga Therapists, he has been teaching for 25 years,and has been a counselor for the City of Turin in activities for handicapped people over 14 years of age.

He has been practicing Vipassana Meditation since 1993.His teachers include: Padre Andrea Shnoller, Prof. Corrado Pensa, Carol Wilson, Michele Mc. Donald-Smith, Stephen Smith, Frank Ostasesky, Bhante Bhodhidhamma, Brother Dassana, etc.He has been practicing Vipassana and Metta with Ven. Bhante Sujiva as his main teacher for the last 15 years, and has been translating his intensive retreats and his book on Abhidhamma.He has been teaching the practice and application of these traditions in Hospices for elderly and terminally ill people since 2007.

Bhante Sujiva


Sujiva 2Bhante Sujiva is a Theravadin monk who was Abbot of the Santisukharama hermitage in Kota Tinggi, Malaysia from 1982 to 1996; since then he has been travelling all over the world to spread the teachings of the Dhamma and instructing in Vipassana meditation. Since September 2006, he’s been living more permanently in Europe where he follows groups of yogis in different countries and conducts Vipassana and Metta retreats, as well as seminars on the study of the Abhidhamma.


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