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    Pian dei Ciliegi

    Vipassana Meditation Center


    IN-PRESENCE RETREATS September has been an intense and fruitful month at Pian dei Ciliegi meditation center due to the three in-person Vipassana retreats, respectively led by Ajhan Chandapalo, Paolo Testa and Gautam Verma (ongoing retreat).

    In October there will be Metta and Vipassana retreat led by Federica La Rosa, with Marcella Bagnoni as assistant, and a Vipassana retreat led by Hannes Huber.

    Still 3 places available for Ayya Virañani Vipassana retreat: 1 place from 4 to 24 November, 2 places from November 24 to December 15. To book, the booking page is available on our website at the following link:


    Next month the new programme for 2025 will be published on our website at the following links:



    ON-LINE RETREATS - An online retreat on upekkhā (equanimity) led by AYYA Virañani will be held from December 16 to 22, 2024.

    This is the closing retreat of a series of four on the divine abodes (brahmavihāra) held in the past years. Registration will be open through the website starting from October 10 (https://www.piandeiciliegi.it/it/iscrizioni-ai-ritiri-online.html)

    Cultivating balance is an essential task in the practice, and in our lives in this turbulent world. Balance has several forms but is characterized by a calm and steady mind in the face of the world. This balance is the essence of equanimity, upekkhā - which can be consciously developed and deepened. Ayya will offer guided meditations, reflections and group meetings to support your opening to this essential and very special state of heart and mind.