Before you sign up for a retreat

To sign up for our retreats you have to be registered on our website and have filled in and sent the application form for membership, which you will find in the User’s area.

Rooms: The center offers 25 places for retreats with a single teacher and 30 places for retreats with two teachers and for the retreat led by Ajahn Chandapalo, divided in single and double rooms.

The single rooms are reserved for people who actually need them, and will be made available until the rooms are all given. There is no extra cost for a single room. If you need a single room, please write to an email titled "SINGLE ROOM-TEACHER'S NAME-RETREAT'S MONTH", specifying the reason for the request. The management will verify availability and provide formal confirmation after the booking.

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 Toapply for membership to Pian dei ciliegi

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10 - 18 Aprile / April 2022

From April 10, 2023 16:00 until April 18, 2023 13:00
Guided by: Andrea Huber
Places available 6 x Quota ritiro (280.00 €)

Andrea Huber - Ritiro di meditazione Satipatthana Vipassana

Il ritiro è aperto a tutti, è in lingua inglese con traduzione in italiano e prevede momenti alternati di meditazione seduta e camminata, colloqui individuali quotidiani e discorsi di Dhamma tutte le sere. Verrà chiesto a tutti i partecipanti di rispettare il Nobile Silenzio e prendere gli otto o i cinque precetti.
L’arrivo è tra le 14 alle 17 del primo giorno; il termine è dopo il pranzo dell’ultimo giorno.

Andrea Huber è una trainer MBSR proveniente dall’Austria, che si è formata presso l’Institut of Mindfulness and Stress Reduction della Dott.ssa. Linda Lehrhaupt a  Bedburg, Germania. Ha una  solida esperienza di Meditazione Vipassana secondo la tradizione di Mahasi Sayadaw, avendo praticato per lunghi periodi sotto la guida di  Sayadaw U Pandita e Sayadaw U Vivekananda.

This retreat is suitable for both experienced and beginning meditators, and will have sessions of sitting and walking meditation, regular interviews with the teacher and daily Dhamma talks. The retreat is in English with Italian translation and all participants will be asked to take the 5 or 8 precepts and respect the Noble Silence (for information check our website).
Check-in is between 2 and 5 p.m on the first day, and the retreat ends after lunch on the last day.

Andrea Huber is an MBSR trainer who lives and works in Austria, and trained at the Institut of Mindfulness and Stress Reduction of Dr. Linda Lehrhaupt, in Bedburg, Germany. She is an experienced Vipassana meditator in the Mahasi tradition, having trained for long periods under the guidance of Sayadaw U Pandita e Sayadaw U Vivekananda.